Having exotic handbags will make you stand out from the rest. Also, these bags are very durable because some of theme is made from ostrich skin. So I’ve looked around online to find the best handbags and I came across Farbod Barsume. I’ve made a list of my top 3 favorites from their collection to…Read More
UNIQLO announces the winners of the “U-SHOP. U-WIN.” Facebook Promo
UNIQLO, Japan’s leading global fashion brand, announced the winners of its newest Facebook promo,“U-SHOP. U-WIN,” at the opening of SM Aura Premier, the SM mall chain’s newest and first mall at the Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City. The promo, which lasted for two weeks, featured several exciting prizes up for grabs for avid UNIQLO shoppers.. UNIQLO’s “U-SHOP….Read More
UNIQLO Launches Collection from Korean Women’s Brand O’2nd Worldwide
Available from May at all UNIQLO outlets, and at the online store UNIQLO announces a collaboration with O’2nd, to offer the Korean women’s brand’s fun and funky summer dress collection at all UNIQLO outlets across its 13 markets worldwide, and at its online store. The collection will feature “The Little Band Dress”; an assortment of…Read More