PayPal is now introducing it’s latest technology, the credit card reader. Now, it’s easier and almost anyone can have their own credit card reader! So most probably, soon, many stores may now accept PayPal or may even use PayPal’s credit card reader. Easier way to shop! With this latest technology, PayPal will not only be…Read More
Adgitize: Paid
Although adgitize has close they promised to pay its members. :13: There were no minimum payout regarding to the pay they will give to everyone. Like my case, I only have $0.12 cents unfortunately, yet they still gave the payout. I read about the articles beforehand on how I will get my pay and if…Read More
BeBuzz LED Light Premium
Just this morning I registered for Blackberry Internet Sevice (BIS) for one day. I just wanted to send my BBM friend a message. He was my sponsor for my Blackberry Internet Service. And the unexpected happened. I bought the premium app of BeBuzz LED Lights for $2.25. My lucky day, it was on sale. As…Read More