If you guys have been following my blog, you probably have read about my post about Decision-Making, Analytics and Intelligence (DMAI, Inc.) and you are probably familiar that as a blogger I get invited to cover events. And one of the events that I covered soon became my stepping stone. DMAI, Inc., was previously…Read More
online jobs
My First Work Assignment: Stress Management
I just finished working on my first assignment on my first job in oDesk. :yipee: Ahhhhh. Backache! :17: So this was my first assignment: WORK 1 – ALSO – WRITE ON TOPIC!!!!! ADDRESS THE KEYWORD!!!! CREATE NEWER DIFFERENT TITLES FOR THE KEYWORD. STEP 1: go to http://docs.google.com and create 1 DOC. Name THE DOC: “TODAY’S…Read More
My First Job in oDesk
I just got hired in oDesk hours ago, the employer even sent me two jobs, but I can only accept one but its okay they are just the same, they only differ in the title but the job itself and the description are all the same. :110: I could have a job in oDesk a…Read More