I am truly grateful for getting another contract in oDesk. This time, I love my contract. When I got home from the Best Food Forward at the same time the Blogger Challenge #2 as Blogger Apprentice Contender of 2012 and Lhyzie’s brother birthday, the first thing I checked is my e-mail. :ao: At first I…Read More
odesk jobs
My Online Job: oDesk
I have been with oDesk since October 2011. And I have been already earning. oDesk is now becoming popular nowadays. And there are now millions of contracts and thousands of clients in oDesk. Enjoy the comfort of your home while working. Say goodbye to the rush hour traffic, thinking of what to wear, transportation expenses….Read More
Indeed I Am Truly Blessed
Recently, I have been receiving a lot of blessings. :110: Last January 23, 2012, Chinese New Year, :85: I received three different interview invitations from same company. :93: Boy, :50: I felt truly blessed. Especially with their offer to me. The day after that, January 24, 2012, I received their testing phase offer and…Read More