This picture was taken recently, so yeah, this is how I look now. :110: It was during the Nuffnang’s 5th Birthday Celebration. I specifically chose this dress for I know the event will involve meeting a lot of new people. :93: It was really an exciting event because I met a lot of new blogger…Read More
nuffnang event
Summer is hotter with Banana Boat Sunscreen Lotion, Schick, & Nuffnang
My ideal Nuffnang summer is… More activities. Since it is summer, many nuffies will have a free schedule. Including me. :93: If there will be more activities, more nuffies will be encouraged to blog and more reason to keep the blog up. Just an added inspiration. Nuffnang is already one of my inspiration in…Read More
Biogesic invites you to a Thanksgiving lunch with John Lloyd Cruz! From Nuffnang!
Biogesic invites you to a Thanksgiving lunch with John Lloyd Cruz! The first 10 Nuffnangers to register will attend the lunch with John Lloyd Cruz! This would be the perfect event to attend while Article Writing Services writes content for your site. Register here: Another one of the reasons why I love Nuffnang. It’s because of…Read More