Welcome to the “12 Days of Christmas Giveaways 2012”! “12 Days of Christmas Giveaways 2012” is hosted by A Spicy Boy, A Cat, and My Fat Ass, and co-hosted with Megomania and Swanksavings. This is the third year that this event is running, and with each passing year it just gets bigger and bigger!…Read More
12 Days of Christmas Giveaways Free Blogger Opp!
The giveaway will take place on December 1 to December 12th, 2012 with all giveaways ending on December 20th at 11:59 PM. For more infomation you can visit: http://www.aspicyboycatandmyfatass.com/p/12-days-of-x-mas-giveaways-2012.html You can participate for free by promoting about the event and fill out the form on this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dHZ1SkVZeHcyVGJOcHNad3lTYTQyckE6MQ#gid=0 Pre-event Post: Welcome to the “12 Days of…Read More
Winners of My Double Birthday Giveaway
Some have already seen the winners, but some didn’t notice that I have already announced the winners of the giveaway. The winners were already announced in the original blog post, seen here: https://athenatria.com/double-birthday-giveaway/ As for my winner, Joanne M. I will tell you the details later in the email. Your name was drawn several times…Read More