I’m joining a free blogger sign up. You can join too! You will receive a free link in exchange for posting an announcement on your blog and posting the giveaway and html code as soon as it goes live. You may pay a small fee for not posting about the blogger sign ups, and you…Read More
To The Winners Of My Double Birthday Giveaway
I want to publicly apologize to the winners (and to Abegail as well) of My Double Birthday Giveaway. I am going through so much right now. Don’t worry, I know soon this will be fixed. This problem has been happening for about a month now, and I am happy because I know this is a…Read More
Double Birthday Giveaway
UPDATED PRIZES! YOU CAN EVEN NOW WIN CELLPHONE! TASKS WERE ALSO UPDATED SO BE SURE TO CHECK THEM OUT! As promised, I will host a giveaway for my birthday (April 22) Â and my daughter’s first birthday. (May 7) Although I posted it late, (internet bills problem) I still continued with my promised giveaway! Yey….Read More