I saw some interesting eye test from a close friend of mine in our Facebook Group. I decided to share it to my readers. Try this, it’s really amazing. :71: Count every “F” in the following texts: FINISHED FILES ARE THE RE SULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTIFIC STUDY COMBINED WITH THE EXPERIENCE OF YEARS……Read More
GOOGLE Gravity
Voila! I’m learning a lot about Google now. Browsing through the comment of Google picture I posted from my previous comment, I found out about Google Gravity. Well it took a while to do Google trick, but I was able to do it. Just type Google gravity, and hit I’m feeling lucky instead of search….Read More
GOOGLE Do a barrel roll
If you haven’t tried this one and you are bored, go ahead and do it. Google has been amazing me since I worked for a job where in I have to Google a lot of stuff. And yes, I did discover a lot of twists from Google. Since Google is block at work, I discovered…Read More