Here’s another free blogger opp for the week! Join now! Remember to put as your referrer. :67: Thank you. :googlyeyes: It’s a MPM Birthday Celebration Event Hosted by Mom Powered Media Prizes: iPad 2 with Wi-Fi 16GB in Black Event dates: 2/4 – 3/4 Free Blog Event! Sign-up here, BLOGGERS WANTED
birthday giveaway
To The Winners Of My Double Birthday Giveaway
I want to publicly apologize to the winners (and to Abegail as well) of My Double Birthday Giveaway. I am going through so much right now. Don’t worry, I know soon this will be fixed. This problem has been happening for about a month now, and I am happy because I know this is a…Read More
Winners of My Double Birthday Giveaway
Some have already seen the winners, but some didn’t notice that I have already announced the winners of the giveaway. The winners were already announced in the original blog post, seen here: As for my winner, Joanne M. I will tell you the details later in the email. Your name was drawn several times…Read More