“Praise, my soul, the King of heaven,
To His feet thy tribute bring;
Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven,
Evermore His praises sing.”
– Lyte
Since when was the last time we thanked God for everything? :120: When was the last time you thanked him for the gift of another day. :101: Aside from what you want, what else do you say to your prayers? More often than not, people forget to say thanks to God. :40: Today’s entry deals about how important is saying thanks to Him. :69: The Scripture emphasizes the importance of praising God for His goodness and mercy. (Our Daily Bread 2012) :93: Saying thanks also means praising Him. We tend to be too relaxed and confident that we will receive blessings even if we will not say thanks to Him. :67: Let’s say it like this, if you are giving gifts to two different people, one who is keep saying thank you for the gift, and one who just merely accepts the gift, :givelove: which would feel better to you? God would also appreciate the gratefulness we will give to Him. :99: We might not know, God would even give us more gifts if we learn to say thanks to Him. I don’t know with other people but for me, I would prefer the people that say thanks to me not because I want to be noticed or what but because it just feels better if you are being appreciated for what you give. Knowing that the person if happy :yipee: with the gifts :gift: you give feels better rather than not receiving any reply. :41: After all, the reason we give gifts is because we want to make the person happy, :givelove: and if they say thanks we feel that they are happy and that satisfies us. This simple thing, :130: like saying thank you is what people forget. :4: Most of the times, people forget the simple things and gestures like this. We forget that this simple gestures has a big impact. :71:
“Giving thanks is a course from which we never graduate.” (Our Daily Bread 2012)
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