“Help me guard my lips, O Savior;
Keep me sweet when sorely tried,
Answers soft to others giving,
Meekly swallowing my pride”
– Bosch
It is proven that answer back someone with a loud voice and angry tone, tendency is you will more fight. :4: Today’s entry deals with having “A Soft Answer.” It reminds us to be a peacemaker :40: not a war maker. :38: When I was a little younger, in my teenage years, I often fight with my mom. :41: Being a spoiled brat that only cares about her friends made me blind that I often disrespect my mom by answering back at her as if we were on the same age. :a: I answer back with an angry tone and loud voice, which is of course, will make her more angry. :67: But today’s entry teaches is to answer softly especially in this kind of situation. Most of the time, it can lessen the tension and can soon turn out to be okay. Not all the time though, but today’s entry teaches us to be a peacemaker no matter what. :93: “The only thing we can do – and the thing that we must always do – is be meek and lowly in the face of their anger and leave the consequences to God.” (Our Daily Bread 2012) :99: Remember that answering back will only worsen the situation and at the time it may be okay to you, soon, you will regret having a fight. :9: It is not easy to be meek especially when you are bursting with anger, but it is easier to be meek than experiencing a tension with an enemy. :googlyeyes: Like St. Paul said, “If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.” (Romans 12:18) Never do anything that you might regret in the future. Until now, someone is really angry at me, and no matter what I do, I cannot undo what I did to remove their anger at me. :38: All I can do now is learn from this entry, “always answer with a soft answer instead of competing with their voice and fighting.” :argh:
Calm, quiet words may not always turn away another’s wrath. You may grieved because they go unheeded, but you can never go wrong with a soft answer. – David Roper :yipee:
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