Have you experienced a moment wherein you really want to post but don’t know what to post? You probably did. And you also probably did end up saving what you typed as a draft. Choosing a topic may sometimes be hard. But sometimes easy because you have so many things in mind. Based from what I experienced, there are probably two ways how a blogger makes a post.
1. On the spot. Whatever comes to your mind the moment when she clicked “Add New” will be her post. (That’s me! :p)
2. The Research. Someone who will really make a research and will treat each post like some article that would be posted in a newspaper. Hahaha.
Well, going back, for me choosing a topic for your post will be whatever that comes into your mind, it may be a question or what, and even if its a question there is no such thing as stupid question and you might not know you will find your answer from your readers right? This suggestion is not applicable to all, that is for blogs that has a theme topic, like technology or what, number 2 would be the type of those bloggers and this wont be applicable for them. But for random, personal or online diary, this would work and this would be an excellent way to post in your blog. Easy. 🙂
Lincoln Giuffre says
Loved your post! I will definetly be visiting more. Looking forward to more.